How the Process Works

Our Process
Below is an outline for a typical collaboration lifecycle. For more details on data preparation, grant proposal preparation, and manuscript preparation, please see the guideline documents here.
- Submit your request.
- To request statistical support, please submit your request here. We will reach out to you within 48 hours of submitting your request.
- Meet with a member of our team.
- Be prepared to explain any background relevant to your research to a layperson. This might include diagrams or written sources.
- Be able to articulate your primary research question and hypothesis.
- Review all documents governing your research plan, including IRB protocols, confidentiality agreements, privacy policies, etc. Prior to sharing data, please make sure that our team has been granted IRB approval if needed.
- Organize and share any existing data (see guideline documents for tips).
- Be prepared to share codebook information describing the variables in your dataset, and to identify which variables are outcomes (dependent variables), independent variables, including your predictor of interest, and control variables. Be prepared to describe their variable types (continuous, dichotomous/binary, ordinal, etc.).
- Receive your Statement of Work (SoW).
- Your Statement of Work will include a Statistical Analysis Plan (SAP) and a timeline for the project, as well as deliverables.
- Receive your Summary Report of the analysis.
- Once the analysis is complete, you will receive a summary report of the findings, along with any deliverables outlined in the SoW.
- Please share the report with your research team and get back to us with any additional requests for analyses that may be needed.
- The main hypotheses are expected to remain unchanged during this time.
- Disseminate your work!
- Let's get it out there! When a collaboration results in a publication, our team will write the statistical methods section, bullet the results for your edits, and will review the entire manuscript for consistency and accuracy once the final draft is complete (see guidance document on manuscript preparation below).
- When appropriate, please acknowledge iTHRIV funding in your manuscript/presentation/work. For more information and specific instructions about how to cite the iTHRIV CTSA grant, please visit the iTHRIV website.