The Center for Biostatistics and Health Data Science (CBHDS) was featured in Virginia Tech News March 4, 2025 for its role as a national leader in research rigor.

Read the College of Science Virginia Tech news article here

In August 2024, CBHDS Director Dr. Alexandra Hanlon, and data scientists Chris GrubbAlicia Lozano, and Rachel Silverman, received the sole METER (Materials to Enhance Training in Experimental Rigor) award for the 2024 cohort.

This award adds Virginia Tech to the distinguished list of universities that have received METER awards, including Duquesne University, Harvard Medical School, Johns Hopkins University, Smith College, The Ohio State University, University of Texas at Dallas, University of Washington, and Boston University.

Upcoming events highlighting the developments of the Community for Rigor educational modules include the Translational Science 2025 annual meeting in Washington, D.C., and the Society for Neuroscience 2025 annual meeting.