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C4R: Community for Rigor

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What is Community for Rigor?

Community for Rigor is a free, open resource to help researchers of all kinds learn, practice, and promote scientific rigor.

The mission of C4R is to teach principles and practices of scientific rigor to create more credible, collaborative research.

C4R is supported by the NIH and NINDS. 

Project Details

Award Number: UE5NS138231
Duration: 08/01/2024 – 07/31/2027
Project Title: Ensuring Reproducible Research through Rigorous Study Design, Statistical Analysis Planning, and Data Presentation within a Team Science Framework


In 2022, a diverse group of scientists from multiple universities and research institutions in the United States began working together to provide education on the principles of rigorous scientific research. Our researchers share a unified goal to increase efficient, open, and reproducible research. C4R is growing and welcoming new members on its journey to transform the scientific communities it supports.

Center for Biostatistics and Health Data Science C4R Members

CBHDS members of the Community for Rigor include Principal Investigator Alexandra HanlonAlicia LozanoRachel SilvermanChris Grubb, and Tanner Barbour. CBHDS submitted a proposal in response to the National Institute of Health (NIH) "Materials to Enhance Training in Experimental Rigor" (METER) RFA in October 2023, and received a notice of award in August 2024, allowing the Virginia Tech cohort to invest in developing content for modules related to Selection Bias, Measurement Error, and Creating Statistical Analysis Plans.

In the News

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