Virginia Tech® home


Please click on the items below for links to a variety of biostatistics resources both internal and external to Virginia Tech, including iTHRIV and other CTSA Hubs. 

Zoom Drop-in Hours with CBHDS's team of Biostatisticians are held twice a week. 
(Please read our FAQ for more details about the services we offer in our Zoom hours)


Virginia Tech's Statistical Applications and Innovations Group (SAIG):

iTHRIV Educational Events

  • iTHRIV Research Methods Core Seminar Series
  • At the iTHRIV Portal you’ll find information about upcoming events, webinars, and other tools and resources for the iTHRIV research community.

VT Professional Development Network: Courses in Statistical Programming and other Topics

  • The University of Minnesota BERD group maintains Biostats4You, a website with carefully selected and vetted training materials especially suited for a non-statistician audience.
  • The Center for Leading Innovation and Collaboration (CLIC), housed at the University of Rochester, is the coordinating center for the Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA) Program, which supports a network of more than 50 of the nation’s top biomedical research institutions. The purpose of CLIC is to serve the CTSA Program through coordination, transparent communication, actionable metrics, network analytics and innovative collaboration tools for use around the consortium, and to make the work and accomplishments of the CTSA Program vibrantly visible to all stakeholders.
  • The Association for Clinical and Translational Science (ACTS) supports research, education, advocacy and mentoring, integrating multiple disciplines across the full translational science spectrum. Through collaborative efforts, ACTS provides a forum for members to share studies, promote best practices, and form professional relationships.
  • The Quantitative Staff Network (QSN) is a multi-institutional network of 30+ organizations with 250+ members across the nation. Established in March 2024 from the results of a needs-assessment survey of collaborative biostatisticians across Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) centers. The QSN aims to provide nationwide professional development support and serve as an information resource and advocate by fostering community among staff statisticians, informaticians, data scientists, data analysts, and epidemiologists at any career stage, and faculty supporting individuals in these roles. QSN's collaborating/funding organization is the Michigan Institute for Clinical and Health Research (MICHR).

Resources within Virginia Tech

Please click on orange links below:

1.  Software available to VT Students

2.  Statistical Applications and Innovations Group (SAIG) Resources

3.  VT University Libraries: Instruction & Workshops

  • Custom class sessions
  • Full semester courses
    ALS 1984: Introduction to Research Practices
    Research Skills for Graduate Students
    GRAD 5024: Data Management Skills
  • Workshops
    Data management and visualization, copyright and licensing, VT Libraries Studio spaces, etc.

4.  VT Libraries Data Consulting Lab

5.  VT Libraries Data Services

Resources outside of Virginia Tech

Please click on orange links below:

1.  YouTube R tutorials in 2 minutes

2.  Swirlstats R Training Package

  • User-friendly way to learn the R programming language

3.  UCLA Institute for Digital Research and Education

  • Guidance on using and implementing R, Stata, SAS, SPSS

4.  University of Minnesota Biostatistics Resources

  • Biostatistics guidance for medical and public health researchers and professionals