C4R: Community for Rigor 2024 Conference

CBHDS members of the Community for Rigor (Principal Investigator Alexandra Hanlon, Alicia Lozano, Rachel Silverman, Chris Grubb, and Tanner Barbour) traveled to Philadelphia September 10-13, 2024 for the C4R Annual Meeting.
Welcome remarks and introductory presentations were given by Shai Silberburg, Konrad Kording, and CENTER team leads providing updates on projects' progress. A "speed networking" event followed along with METERS workshops and feedback from advisors. Wednesday's program concluded with "Behavior Change Presentations and Fireside Chat with Damon Centola and Dolores Albarracin, Moderated by Ubadah Sabbagh." Thursday's agenda featured an Sfn workshop, and Friday featured a panel with graduate students.
The next C4R conference will be held in September 2025.
In October 2023, CBHDS submitted a proposal in response to the National Institute of Health (NIH) "Materials to Enhance Training in Experimental Rigor" (METER) RFA in, receiving notice of award in August 2024.
The projects focus is on developing content for modules related to Selection Bias, Measurement Error, and Creating Statistical Analysis Plans through July 2027.