In October 2022, CBHDS Research Scientist, Dr. Monica Ahrens, presented a talk titled "Simultaneous Bands for Time-to-Event Quantiles as Functions of Covariates" at the Women in Statistics and Data Science (WSDS) conference held in St. Louis, Missouri. Dr. Ahrens' research proposes a new method to construct bands for time-to-event quantiles that leverage the Bartlett Approximation, allowing for a transformation of the asymptotic variance that stabilizes the asymptotic variance. Using these methods, she estimated confidence bands for median time between hospital visits as a function of age for patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Results demonstrated that the length of time between hospital admissions is shorter for young versus older patients with ESRD. Findings from this work can be used by health care practitioners to develop methods for targeting specific patients that need added care in order to prevent re-hospitalization. In partnership with Dr. Gideon Zamba from the University of Iowa, Dr. Ahrens plans to publish three journal articles on this work. 

For more photos from the 2022 WSDS conference in St. Louis, please click here
